Our planet is in trouble. The recent UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has made it clear that a catastrophe is upon us, and it’s accelerating. The effects can be seen all over the world.
The news makes for grim reading. But, it’s not too late to change things, if we work together. Everyone must play their part - businesses, communities and individuals. There can be no half measures. Bold action is required in order to stave off the worst of futures.
What we’ve done so far
The IPCC report, combined with recent events, has refocused us on our mission to help improve the planet. So far this year we’ve planted over a million trees, committed to offset the entire lifetime carbon footprint of our workforce, and are currently B Corp pending. Yet, these ongoing efforts are not enough. As a business we’re always thinking about how we can have a greater positive impact.
A new commitment for the planet
Cutting emissions is essential. In concert with a drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, multiple studies suggest that trees might be humanity’s fastest and most economical way to restore the planet's equilibrium. Current forests must be preserved. Degraded forests need to be restored and trillions of trees need to be replaced.
So today, we’re increasing our commitment to the planet and pledging to conserve, restore or plant ONE BILLION TREES by 2030. It’s an ambitious target for an independent SME, but we believe this is the level of action our planet needs.
As part of the global 1t.org Trillion Tree initiative, this initial target will be achieved through three principle activities, in the following order of priority; conserving existing forests, restoring degraded forests and growing new forests.
We’ve partnered with veritree, the world’s only verification tool built exclusively for global restoration projects. This will make absolutely sure we’re reforesting in the right places to balance positive impact with natural biodiversity.
We’ve made this commitment in direct support of the UN’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, yet we plan to continue our efforts beyond 2030 once we’ve hit our target.
Head to our dedicated Billion Tree Pledge page to learn all about our commitment and track our progress!
A carbon-cancelling forest for every client
At Krystal we balance profit with purpose. The money we make goes directly into two things: providing the best possible service and helping to make the world a better place for future generations. So, we want to give our clients a way to see how we’re putting their money to good use.
To celebrate the start of our Billion Tree pledge, we’re paying for trees to be planted on behalf of every one of our active clients, starting with 10 trees per client. We currently have 37,092 clients, so we’ll kick things off with an initial purchase and planting of 370,920 mangrove trees in Kenya in partnership with Eden Reforestation.
Customers can head to their client area to see their very own virtual forest, which will grow as we head towards our target. Krystal clients will be quickly able to visualise the positive impact they’re having as a result of their patronage. The number of trees we plant on behalf of clients will increase over time and in the future we hope to be able to include trees conserved too and allow clients to add to their own forests directly.
We hope that our commitment inspires others to join this vital campaign and that the sum of our efforts will help us avoid the worst of climate futures. Every business has the means and motive to get involved - prioritising profit over the planet now will result in our descendants inheriting a broken planet. A legacy none of us want to leave.
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About the author
Darren H
I'm Darren and I'm the Senior Copywriter at Krystal. Words are what I do. Aside from writing, I play guitar and sing in my band Machineries Of Joy, work on getting my 2nd Dan in Taekwondo and seek adventure with my wife and daughter.